Some beautiful moments from Little Jackson’s first weeks at home. This little guy is so loved…by his parents, and by his furry little siblings! We photographed his parents wedding five years ago, so we were so thrilled to hear of their news and that they wanted us to document this most precious time for their family. We look forward to witnessing Jackson’s growth through the years…through our cameras. What an amazing job we have.
I couldn’t help but snag this image with Shilo’s reflection as she was rocking Jackson to sleep.
Baby yawns are the best!
Father – son moment. I just love that their wedding photo is framed on the dresser…and also the measuring stick in the background…and the window light reflected in the mirror. There’s a whole story in this image.
Such a beautiful family. I just love the way Shilo is gently touching Jackson’s sweet little head 🙂
This is Kaos. She was at the engagement shoot and the wedding 5 years ago. I think she looks quite regal here.
So sweet!
Just an ordinary moment where Shilo was burping Jackson. To me, these ordinary moments are the most precious, because they are the ones you forget. Now, it can’t be forgotten…because it was photographed 🙂
Sweet baby’s head cradled in Mom and Dad’s hands. It will never be this small again…
Shilo looks like an angel in this image. I mean, seriously. This is just such a beautiful moment!
Love the one where your holdin Jackson’s head, when Jackson is yawning and when John is feeding him
I love these pics! My favorite is the one when you are burping Jackson ☺️
Jackson and the Dogs, along with all the photographs, are priceless.
My favorite is the one with Kaos sniffing Jackson’s lil hands!
My favorite pic is the one where Shilo is rocking Jackson to sleep. Love it!