This has been a very interesting time, to say the least. And life looks very different now than it did back in February. In February, we had three multi-day shoots in different cities, almost back to back. Rick and I were shooting an event in Nashville for 6 days, then home for a week. Then we flew to Hawaii to cover a weeklong event there. Home for 3 days. Then, I flew to New York for a 2 day shoot in Manhattan. And to make being away from the kids more palatable (it’s hard to be away from them), I brought our son on that trip. We spent the 4 days after the shoot exploring New York and visiting family there. We returned home the second week of March, just before the Corona Virus brought our country to a screeching halt. So, you can probably understand why I was slightly relieved to be spending more time at home and have life slow down…alot. Here’s what life looked like for the first 6 weeks.
Meet Dylan. Meet Eve. Meet Dash.
One of the biggest changes/challenges during this time has been doing school from a screen. Thankfully, our jobs are very flexible, and we also have our wonderful au pair, Yvonne (here from Germany since November) who has been such a help. She plays with Eve so that I can help Dylan with school, and Rick and I can still work some in our office.
This is what circle time looks like now. Dylan’s new classroom
Staying active also looks different now. Though, the soccer trainings via Zoom were still fun at this point. More recently, we have come to a time where the kids have been all Zoomed out and the soccer trainings and circle times on the screen have lost their appeal.
Soccer training via Zoom Zoom yoga class Dylan, a seasoned runner, takes his sister for a run.
Once we were ordered to shelter in place, Rick immediately got to work in the yard. He’s had a list of projects brewing for a while, so he was happy to have the time to work on them. He planted several trees and plants, built planters, built a raised garden bed for veggies, built beautiful redwood gates and even built a water fountain with reclaimed materials. He also insulated the walls in a bedroom of our 70 year old house (as you can see the unpainted wall in the photo above).
Eve helps Rick fill planters for rosemary Rick finishes staining the planter boxes he built. Rick draws the plans for his planter boxes, and Eve draws plans for hers, too.
Here are some of the ways we spent our free time during those first 6-8 weeks.
Dylan experiments with his new SLR while Rick works on the veggie garden. Eve runs in the sprinklers. Eve dresses up about 2 times a day on average. Here, she is a unicorn Dylan plays a song on his new ‘instrument.’ Eve proudly shares her artwork. For better or worse (mostly worse) the screen has become the avenue for social interaction. A family game of tickle monster. Eve layered up on pants and “gloves” so she can’t feel the tickles so much!